NaNoWriMo: Here we go again!

It's that time of year again:  NaNoWriMo season! I have a novel draft I needed to get out, and just in time, too!

NaNoWriMo bannerFor the uninitiated. NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, which is November of every year. People from all around the world set a goal to write a 50,000 word draft of a novel by the end of the month, which roughly translates to around 1,667 words a day. The idea is that finishing a first draft--finally getting that novel you've been dreaming of writing--out of your head and on paper is incredibly encouraging. It empowers writers to really believe they can do it--they can write a whole book!

I totally get that NaNoWriMo isn't for everyone, but I've had repeated success getting out first drafts under the pressure of the daily writing goal. Some people work well with deadlines, and I happen to be one of them!

I don't do NaNo every year, because I don't have an idea every year. Or an outline. Or a set amount of time I can use for writing. This year, however, the stars have aligned! I even already have the dinner party draft for this one, so hopefully the first draft is a breeze. 

My novel this year is Blood Tramp Blues, a cosmic horror/road trip novel. It's Kerouac meets Cthulhu meets Dr. Who--which should be a fun combination, if I can pull it off...

You can find my NaNo novel blurb and excerpt here, and please feel free to add me as a writing buddy on if you're participating! My username is ReeCallahan.

Good luck to my fellow NaNo writers! If you're working on a novel, or want to share your author profile, please leave it in the comments!


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